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Postgraduate studies

I would   like  in  the   near   future   to  course  a  specific   postgraduate   degree  in bacteria.  I've   always   liked  bacteria a  lot , i find them very interesting ,  since  to study them is  very   challenging  and  complicated , because  every  time you   find  a  way   to   eliminate   them   they   adapt  and  manage   to   survive   the   medications , so  it   is  a  constant  mental  challenge  to discover a way  to   fight   them .   I  believe   that  I  would  do  the   postgraduate   degree  in Chile, I  have   never   thought   about   doing   these   studies   abroad   for   the   money   that   would   involve   the   accommodation  and  because   while  I am  studying   this  I  would   also   like   to   work   in order to   save   money   to   buy  a  house , so  it   would   not  be  very  Good idea  to  do  this   postgraduate  in  another  country.  Although   when  I'll  have  a  better   economic   situation  I  would   like   to   go   ab

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